Hello, follow me as I embark on
this adventure & journey .. called life♥

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Only Girl

This song- love it. Today was magnificent. I once again got 100% on my World Religions test. I could not be more thrilled!! Also, tonight was my sisters' 4th grade play - Kid's Life. It was soo adorable. I ran into my good friend Abbey, it was soo nice to catch up and be able to sit and talk with her. I loved it. :) Ahh. Last night I began working on something for my blog and i'm absolutely ecstatic about it! I need to work on it some more.. but be on the lookout! yay. :) can't wait. PS- it's not a new background. haha I know I switch that up a lot, but it's not that. Goodnight loves.

Love and Rockets-


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