Ahh, we meet again. Today has been a very, chill day. I went to bed around .. eh, 5 am or so. So i've slept most of today until this point. ha :/ I'm making some coffee now in my Keurig, butter toffee, to be exact. I absolutely adore coffee. As you noticed by the title, I am also in love with lil wayne. Novemeber cannot get here fast enough, I speak like I will get to see him, psh .. i wish. :) Sooo, I am really wanting my TOMS. I have even inspired my little sister to want a pair. There are actually about six pairs that I would just kill to have. Ahh, weather. It is an absolutely beautiful day out today, not too hot, but with a nice cool breeze and the sun is out. I'm in a pretty blissful mood and now drinking my coffee. Yumm. Random fact: I am really wanting to go to New York soon and visit, Tiana. I plan on doing so as soon as I can, for one - I miss her dearly and two - I am in love with NY. So it's a win - win situation. I hopefully, will find something to do and accomplish on this lovely Saturday afternoon. I might come back to this later, but for now .. I'm out.
xo <3

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